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Latest news from the Electric Revolution

Days Numbered for Internal Combustion

Days Numbered for Internal Combustion

It looks like the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) is heading for the history books even sooner than previously thought. After this month’s unexpected statement by the government that they intend to bring forward the banning of petrol, diesel and hybrid car sales to...

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EV Number Plates are Going Green

EV Number Plates are Going Green

Green coloured number plates will be issued for electric cars under government plans to encourage drivers to buy zero-emission vehicles. The government said the new licence plates would make the least polluting cars easily identifiable and help their drivers benefit...

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Sadiq Khan: “This is an EV revolution”

Sadiq Khan: “This is an EV revolution”

Robert Llewellyn talks to Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London (and Donald Trump's favourite). They discuss Mayor Khan's Electric Vehicle Initiative Taskforce, plans to improve charging infrastructure, buying electric buses instead of diesel models and encouraging the 10+...

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